Posted in pain journal, Personal, political… yes, I said it.

Woden’s day… the Squirrels have returned. • SCOTUS ulcers • General Update//

*Warning* Depression is discussed in this post – if you don’t want to read about that today, I get it. I hope to see you again soon.


Hello my friends. I have not been able to focus on writing much lately; haven’t really been able to focus on anything at all. An overview of this update: I am working on creating an environment that is more conducive to productivity, however, I have had physical impediments to that plan. Having the kids every other weekend has offered my muscles nothing but pain. We also have squirrels that have invaded & are setting up their little town inside the walls behind my bed. In keeping up with the news, political & otherwise, my mental health has been less than great… today is a SCOTUS decision day, something which gives me a stress headache, muscle tightness, & (probably) an ulcer. (Though I have been eating much better – HelloFresh™ makes me a super chef!)

Dawn Of Desolation by: Cindy Vondran

I’ll begin by saying that Major Depressive Disorder isn’t anything to underestimate. Often in the good times of my life I have forgotten how difficult the dark times were; a protective action by my brain, I’m sure. I do not want to dwell in the darkness, but I need to explain where I am & where I am coming from – especially concerning depression, because I am very good at looking like everything is fine.

The truth is that I feel like a weighted blanket is over me all the time; as if I am walking in jello. I have to push through it to do anything & everything. In speaking with my doctor, we discussed increasing a medication & the possible side effects, which were shite (weight gain, sleepiness, etc.). Then we discussed genetic testing to see if I’m taking the right medication at all.


That seems like the obvious first step in the medication journey, instead of forcing patients to try each medication in their own personal drug trial. Why are we forced to be lab rats?
Of course, these are rhetorical questions as I understand the foundations of a capitalist society & the root of the issue, profit.
That being said, I was swabbed for the test & am awaiting results.

Tragedy, 1897
by: Gustav Klimt.

We have had my Boyo & Girly a couple times now, keeping to the ‘every other weekend’ schedule. My body is certainly screaming at me, particularly my shoulders; stretching isn’t helping, I desperately need physical therapy. Surprisingly, I have been able to take care of both kids, by myself, without much issue. Roegn isn’t much interested in spending time with them for different reasons; one of which is that the weekend are her days off & she wants to spend time with her friends (especially before she leaves for Oklahoma).

They’ll be back this weekend.

•My Boyo & Girly•

This morning I woke up to the wonderful sounds of construction inside the wall directly behind the headboard of my bed. Who is the cause of this raucous, roaring, ruckus?


We have been invaded by neighborhood squirrels. 🐿️ They’re cute when I see them in the neighborhood & I certainly do not want to run them over with Zeus… but I don’t want them inside my walls. I’m currently looking for help with ‘critter – control’ but am coming up short with no one in our area. It’s quite frustrating.

Squirrel’s Night Out by: Will Bullas

Of course, I have been keeping up with the news, political & otherwise, every day. This has definitely deleteriously contributed to my mental health – but I think not paying attention would hurt my soul more than simply limiting my news intake.

There were a couple SCOTUS decisions today & another leaked decision concerning abortion. Below is the Strict Scrutiny podcast breaking down the decisions released today & the leaked decision.

With all that said, I will bid you a good evening. Looking forward to the Presidential Debate tomorrow night! I’ll be posting several Bingo Cards in case you’d like to play along with me.

Talk Soon,