Posted in Share Your World

Share Your World -SYW

Welcome to Share your World. Thanks to Di at pensitivity101 for hosting.
There are two ways in which you can participate:
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To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Share Your World” and link it to this one.

Melanie always included an optional gratitude section at the end and I see no reason to change that.

Here are this week’s questions:

1. If you could reinvent yourself, how would you like to be? I think it would be great if I were more meek. A guy I knew in high school told me (years later) that all the boys liked me, they were just intimidated by me. By the time I was older when men would appreciate that, I had already ruined my life and was stuck in a world of low self-esteem.
2. Would you like to be a pet in your household? Oh hell yes. I am my cat’s bitch. My old dog was my first born, I took him everywhere with me.
3. How many house moves have you had as an adult? Too many.
4. What was your favourite home? My Meemaw’s house, for sure. It was my longest root, now gone, but for 40 years of my life it was my home.

Gratitude: No matter what, it is still a beautiful world…

Posted in Share Your World

Share Your World 22.May.23 -SYW-

Welcome to Share your World. Thanks to Di at pensitivity101 for hosting. There are two ways in which you can participate:
Leave your answers to this week’s questions in the comments box below or create your own post.

To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Share Your World” and link it to this one. 

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Melanie always included an optional gratitude section at the end and I see no reason to change that.

Here are this week’s questions:

  1. Growing up, were you closer to your mother or father, or was it a balance of both depending on the circumstances? My ma was a single mother for most of my life, so I guess I was closer to her. When I was a kid I would go to work with my dad and he would put me to work at the front desk of the hotel, or in the deli, or answering phones in the back. That is when I felt closest to him; though I never really got to know who he is. As for my mom, well, I felt closest to her when I was little up until about 11 or 12 years old, then she became distant. I have tried to get to know her too, but it gets more and more difficult the older we get… 😑
  2. What was your favourite toy as a child, and do you still have it? Oh man. I was a spoiled child, I had hella toys. However, the first image that popped in my head was my Barbie™ Dream House, all the dolls themselves, the clothes, a corvette, a pool, etc. I had it all and I played with them up until I moved to the Midwest, after 7th grade. If I am honest, I played with them every time I found the box they were in as I got older, AND I passed them along to my daughter. She destroyed most of them, which broke my heart, but I digress…
  3. Did you have any secrets? Secrets from whom? Yes. I have one secret that I have never told anyone. I have other “secrets” that I would discuss if asked. Other than that, I’m a brutally honest, open book.
  4. What did you want to be when you grew up, and are you anywhere close? Hm. I wanted to be a judge, then the first female President of the United States… or a cosmetologist. 😝 I am nowhere on the map of “What did you want to be” …medical issues have firebombed my life.

I’m a hugger. If we meet, I’ll probably hug you hello, or definitely hug you goodbye. I am grateful for human touch, something of which I don’t get nearly enough.

Glowing With Gratitude by: Az Jackson
This is from Di – & it is so true. I’ve learned this through The Thoughtful Journal™ which helps you reflect.
Posted in Share Your World

Share Your World 8.May.23 -SYW

Welcome to Share your World. Thanks, Di at pensitivity101 for hosting; I’ve been missing for a minute. Hope everyone has been well!

There are two ways in which you can participate: Leave your answers to this week’s questions in the comments box below or create your own post. To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Share Your World” and link it to this one. Ping-backs are activated, but don’t always work properly. To play safe, leave a link in a comment, just to be sure or if you prefer, leave just the link if you don’t have anything else to chat about.

Instructions on how ping-backs work are found by clicking here. Thanks! Melanie always included an optional gratitude section at the end and I see no reason to change that. Here are your questions for this week:

  1. Do you feel comfortable walking in your neighbourhood at night? Oh for sure; we live in Mayberry. (For those that don’t know that reference, it is The Andy Griffith Show, which was a black & white show from before my time – but my Meemaw & Pappaw watched it). Point is, it is a safe, tiny town where nothing really ever happens. Our town is closed by 9p – so, yeah, I feel perfectly safe.
  2. When you shop for day to day things, do you pay by cash or card? Usually card, but I need to switch to cash. 😑
  3. When was the last time you dressed up for a special occasion? Could not tell you, really. Other than a funeral? Yeah, I don’t know.
  4. Have you ever lied about your age? Yes, and I still feel guilty to this day. I was 20 years old, working at a jewelry store in a mall. One night my manager, the assistant manager, and I went to Garfield’s (a restaurant and bar), which was just down the way inside the mall. The bartender asked if I was 21 and my boss just chimed right in, “Yes, of course she is.” And that was that. Months later, after making a habit of stopping for a drink after work, I was complaining to the bartender (like you do) about my life and only being TWENTY years old… and then I just went silent because his eyes got SO big… 👀 and I felt awful. It took me almost a year to go back after I turned 21.


Making someone happy reaps its own rewards. {painting by Maynard Dixon}

Posted in Share Your World

Share Your World 13MAR23 —SYW

Welcome to Share your World. Thank you, Di at pensitivity101, for continuing to host this post. I haven’t participated in a hot minute, so I get a little loquacious. (Apologies in Advance)😊

There are two ways in which you can participate: Leave your answers to this week’s questions in the comments box below or create your own post. To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Share Your World” and link it to this one. Ping-backs are activated, but don’t always work properly. To play safe, leave a link in a comment, just to be sure or if you prefer, leave just the link if you don’t have anything else to chat about. Instructions on how ping-backs work are found by clicking here. Thanks! Melanie always included an optional gratitude section at the end and I see no reason to change that. Here are your questions this week:

  1. What kind of music do you like? -How strange, I didn’t look at this before setting up my ‘area’ today, yet I am listening to music. That is odd, bc I usually am either watching something (ie. GMFB, a documentary, or something on YouTube), or I listen to books when I write. I do listen to music as well, it just has not been the reg recently, but today I want to rediscover Elliott Smith’s masterpiece, Either/Or. —So, to actually get to the answer to your question- everything. Music has been part of my life since I can remember, but I have been playing/reading/writing music since I was in 4th grade. That makes me sound like a songwriter, I am certainly not. (I have written one song and it is unfinished; it was written for my daughter to calm her when she was a baby). Anyhow, I don’t listen to modern country music, but country music was the music of my childhood. As a rule I do not listen to Rap or HipHop on the reg, but some slip through. I am more of a Rock n’ Roll girl from the classics to modern- my most favourite band is TOOL. I’ll just leave it there. —post publish- I also love classical/movement music or what some call instrumental, as I have played flute/piccolo since 4th grade, as well as oboe in high school. & some electronic like Daft Punk. I like music, obviously.
  2. What is your favourite food? —Asian. I had the pleasure of visiting China and the food was unimaginably good & good for me at the same time. It was absolutely wonderful.
  3. What is your favourite tipple? For those who don’t drink, what do you order when out with friends? I so often forget you’re British, then you say something like “tipple” and I just giggle. I love you. I wish I could talk to you on the reg, dear Di, but I digress. I don’t drink because I am not only diabetic, but I take morphine extended release, and alcohol can strip the outside of the latter and cause huge issues. However, that does not stop me from a nice glass of red or a good beer every now and again. I love me some Sangria!
  4. What relaxes you (music, reading, walking, meditation, yoga etc)? CANNABIS. WEED. THE GREEN GOBLIN. TREES. T.O.P. SWEET MARY JANE. Need I go on? Nah, I listen to music, read, walk, meditate, stretch, and pray too, which can relax me… but as someone with metal on their spine, in just the right spot to cause incredible muscle tightness literally 24 hours a day, well, yeah… 🍃 💨 ✌🏻

Gratitude: I will say I am so incredibly thankful that we have legalized marijuana. In 2020, after over eight years taking opioids of one kind or another, I could REDUCE the amount that I was taking. For those who don’t know, chronic pain sufferers NEVER get to REDUCE the amount they are taking bc the opioid builds up in your system. (Outside of post-surgical events). Not only did I reduce it, the reduction was by 1/3, which is just an insane amount. There is such a stigma with cannabis, I absolutely hate it. Alcohol has done so much more to hurt & harm my country, not to mention other countries throughout history.

This has turned into a soapbox, not a Gratitude… I am so sorry. I will step down now and just say, thank you, to all those that voted for legalization years back, I am so eternally grateful for you.

Hash marijuana hemp museum by: Roger Gee

How often do you have some ‘Me Time’? -all the time actually. I could probably use some social time, but I get your point. 💕

Posted in Personal, Share Your World

Share Your World SYW Week of 20.Feb.23

Welcome to Share your World; thank you, Di at pensitivity101 for hosting this awesome conversation.
There are two ways in which you can participate:
Leave your answers to this week’s questions in the comments box below or create your own post.

To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Share Your World” and link it to this one. 

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Melanie always included an optional gratitude section at the end and I see no reason to change that.

Here are your questions for this week based on your shopping habits:

  1. When food shopping, do you go with a list and stick to it, or buy on the hop? Hm, well a mix, really. Thanks to the pandemic we have Pick Up at many stores, something which has helped curb errant spending, for sure. When I don’t do that, I try to have a list, but fail more often than not. My daughter is absolutely terrible about just throwing things in the basket ending with a very hefty price tag.
  2. When clothes shopping, do you prefer to shop in a store or buy mail order? When I was forty pounds (nearly 3 stone) lighter it was more than fun, it was an experience to go shopping. Now, it is much easier and comfortable to order online.
  3. Do you like shopping for shoes? No. I wear a half size – wide shoe, which is difficult to find. My daughter wears an 11, but has perfectly thin feet.
  4. Do you enjoy shopping alone or with friends/partner? This also depends on if I have money to spend, or if I must keep in mind a strict budget. It is not very fun going shopping, alone or with friends, when you have no money to spend.

Gratitude: I am thankful for pain, which reminds me I am alive.

BY: Anil Print

A gift, no matter how small, can mean the world to the recipient.

Posted in Personal

Share Your World SYW

Welcome to Share your World. Thank you, pensitivity101 for hosting.

There are two ways in which you can participate: Leave your answers to this week’s questions in the comments box below or create your own post. To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Share Your World” and link it to this one.

Ping-backs are activated, but don’t always work properly. To play safe, leave a link in a comment, just to be sure or if you prefer, leave just the link if you don’t have anything else to chat about. Instructions on how ping-backs work are found by clicking here. Thanks! Melanie always included an optional gratitude section at the end and I see no reason to change that.

Here are today’s questions:

1. What kind of vacations did you have as a child? During summer vacations I always flew from Phoenix, Arizona, to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to be with my family for a few weeks to a month. My Mom, Dad, and I never really went on a regular vacation as my parents were both workaholics. However, we did go to places like the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, and other cities my Dad was sent to work in.

2. Have any of those remained favourites now that you’re an adult? I always loved going to Oklahoma to be with my sister (really a cousin, raised “sisters”) & to go to summer school together. I really enjoyed just being in school with her and pretending to have a normal family life.

3. What has been your best vacation ever? It was not really a “vacation” per se, but a mission trip. I went to China for two weeks and it was a transformative experience.

4. Do you prefer resorts where there are no kids allowed? No, since I have a child. Though now she is 18, maybe we can try one of those “adult only” …ew. Just typing that made my stomach turn. Nvm 🤦🏼‍♀️

Gratitude: Live life in a pay it forward way… put forward positivity, love, & kindness.

Posted in Personal

Share Your World 31.January.23 SYW

Welcome to Share your World. Thanks to Di at pensitivity101 for hosting.
There are two ways in which you can participate:
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To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Share Your World” and link it to this one. 

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Instructions on how ping-backs work are found by clicking here
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Melanie always included an optional gratitude section at the end and I see no reason to change that.

Here are this week’s questions:

1. Do you consider yourself to be romantic? Most certainly, though I have been purposefully single for a very long time. (I don’t want to inflict my medical nightmare on another person)

2. Do you send cards on Valentine’s Day? I always give one to my daughter, does that count?

3. Would you spend a considerable amount of money on a single red rose for your beloved? Depends on how much they value a red rose.

4. What is your idea of a romantic evening? Honestly, I don’t know anymore; I am pretty flexible. I love anything from a football game, to dinner & a movieI can find many things romantic.

Be silly – with yourself & others. Life is too short to be too serious.

Love is all around. Embrace it.

Posted in Personal

Share Your World 23.January.23

Welcome to Share your World. Thank you, Di, pensitivity101, for hosting!
There are two ways in which you can participate:
Leave your answers to this week’s questions in the comments box below or create your own post.

To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Share Your World” and link it to this one. 

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As always, there will be an optional gratitude section at the end.
Here are your questions for this week:

  1. Do you find it relatively easy to fall asleep at night? Oh so difficult. I don’t have a tv in my room, but I tend to read late. Even if I don’t, my brain does not turn off easily, nor does my body relax without quite a bit of help. (Tbh, I take four 4mg muscle relaxers a day & another four at bedtime).
  2. Do you remember your dreams? Not as often as I would like. When I do though, it is lovely. I have always had vibrant, technicolor dreams that feel so very real.
  3. If you can’t sleep, do you watch TV, read or listen to music in the hope you will nod off? I read. Sometimes I accidentally fall into an IG hole of funny animal videos, but mostly it is a book that gets my mind slowing to an acceptable pace for sleep. I also started to listen to an asmr video, fireplace & rain storm, that has been helping my brain shut down quicker.
  4. Can you literally sleep anywhere (chair, sofa, bus, train, flight etc)? Oh hell no. I have had a couple spine surgeries & have fibromyalgia & trigeminal neuralgia to boot. I need to be flat on my back in a decently comfortable bed.

Even Monday’s can be used for good… I guess. 🙄

Posted in Personal

Share Your World 9.January.23

There are two ways in which you can participate:
Leave your answers to this week’s questions in the comments box below or create your own post.

To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Share Your World” and link it to this one. 

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As always, there will be an optional gratitude section at the end

Here are this week’s questions:

1. How long did it take you to get back into your normal routine after the holidays?
(this does not have to be Christmas and New Year, but any holiday). Well, we are still traveling; currently staying with my old pastor and his family in Duncan, Oklahoma. We won’t be going home until after my daughter’s birthday party on the 14th.

2. Which makes you feel more relaxed, putting your feet up in front of the fire with a good book or socialising with your friends? Oh give me a fire & a book any day… and coffee or earl grey.

3. What is your favourite hot drink? Coffee. I feel like that is a rhetorical question. 😊

4. If you are feeling poorly, do you prefer to be pampered, or left alone? I wish I could be pampered, but I am a single mom & we are not allowed to feel poorly. What I really love is egg drop soup & sleep.


Directly from
Posted in Personal

Share Your World 2.January.23

Thank you, Di (pensitivity101) for hosting this thread, you’re awesome. There are two ways in which you can participate:
Leave your answers to this week’s questions in the comments box below or create your own post.

To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Share Your World” and link it to this one.

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Instructions on how ping-backs work are found by clicking here. Thanks!

As always, there will be an optional gratitude section at the end

Here are the first SYW questions for 2023:

  1. Did you stay up to see the New Year in? Yes, though I didn’t really want to; I stayed up until midnight waiting on my Aunt to get home. We usually stay up until 11p, celebrate with the east coast, toast the family with Asti & go to sleep. This year we didn’t do that. Things are amiss.
  2. Are there any special occasions or events coming up in 2023 for you or your family? My daughter is turning 18 in 16 days. 😳 She will not be graduating until next year because I made her redo 2020 (she didn’t learn a thing). But now she gets to register to vote, she gets to take care of her personal finances, medical issues, etc.; she is so excited.
  3. Do you keep a diary? Yes. I have written to my daughter since she was born. I have several “books” for her, a mix of diary & scrapbook. I also have a personal diary & prayer book, as well as my pain blog – which turns into a diary of our lives.
  4. How did yesterday differ from January 1st 2022 or was there no difference? It was completely different, so much that I want to cry. My Favourite Aunt Vicki is missing in action… I am not really sure what happened, but she hasn’t been home since 31DEC. She missed our NYE tradition & she wasn’t here to make us eat black eyed peas on the first, and we didn’t go visit my Meemaw yesterday… well, she probably did. But I don’t know! There are smiling pictures on my TimeHop from last year… things were very different. 😞


A smile is infectious. Spread it around.

Posted in Personal

“Share Your World” #SYW

Welcome to the last Share Your World of 2022. Thoughts as always are of Melanie and how she is sadly missed by so many. Thank you, pensitivity101 for hosting in your friend’s memory.

There are two ways in which you can participate:
Leave your answers to this week’s questions in the comments box below or create your own post.

To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Share Your World” and link it to this one.
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To play safe, leave a link in a comment, just to be sure or if you prefer, leave just the link if you don’t have anything else to chat about.
Instructions on how ping-backs work are found by clicking here
. Thanks! 

As always, there will be an optional gratitude section at the end

It’s Boxing Day for those of us who celebrate Christmas, but hopefully these questions are suitable for those who have alternative celebrations be it now in December or another time in the year.

1. If you have been given a variety of gifts, do you have a clear out of older stuff to make room for it? I was raised by a pack rat, so I have some bad tendencies. However, my daughter & I have decided to ‘live simply’ in 2023 & cut down on all our “stuff” bc we will be moving into a newer, smaller place. Anyhow, there is a Bible Study I used to do at the beginning of every year that included going through & downsizing (bc we accumulate so much throughout the year anyway) among other things. Of course, I can’t think of the title off the top – & I’m not home with my books… 😒

2. Do you overindulge with food for special occasions and then come to regret it with either weight gain, guilt or severe indigestion? Well, I am diabetic & taking a medication called Ozempic, which severely restricts my appetite. I definitely eat things I don’t at other times, but not necessarily more.

3. What is your favourite part for any celebration? Probably playing games. At every gathering growing up my family always played pinochle, we have a tournament. Uno is the game I play with my nephew here the most, though I think cards against humanity may take over soon.

4. Are you looking forward to getting bargains in the January Sales? Oh yea. This is how we roll. We always celebrate Christmas when we get back home with my best friend & her four kids… we can afford to get them all gifts by shopping the clearance! I also take my nephew shopping every year after Christmas for his bday (6November) & Christmas gifts. I would rather he pick them out & love them, especially during his teen years.


Posted in pain journal

Share Your World Week of 19.December.22 #SYW

Thank you pensitivity101 for continuing to host this forum in your friend’s memory. It is a beautiful way to get to know others. 😊

Here are this week’s questions:

1. How organised are you in either your working or private life? Not as much as I need or want to be. I am in the process of being diagnosed with ADHD at 42 years old. The fact that this diagnosis at 15 would have changed my life profoundly makes me so freaking angry at the “guidance” counselors that just thought I had everything together… but I digress. Organization is a resolution in the new year.

2. Do you remember family birthdays or anniversaries and send cards? I desperately try to & certainly intend to, mostly because I think it is a dying art. E-cards, social media, text messages, all have taken over for actually getting a card and sending it in the snail mail. Although there is a saying about me… “If it isn’t late, is it really from me?”; which honestly I despise about myself.

3. If you see something in a shop that is an extravagance but you can afford it, do you buy it? If I can afford it, sure. It is probably for someone else anyway, 😆

4. Are you looking forward to the New Year? Absolutely. 2022 has been a freaking nightmare. There have been too many deaths in my family; too much pain and heartache. I need a good year.

Gratitude: What simple thing warms your heart? Soft mornings with my boyo… he can make my heart melt with a smile.

Posted in Personal

Share Your World Week of 12.December.22

Thank you, pensitivity101, for hosting #SYW!

  • As a kid, did you have roller skates, a go-kart, or a push bike? I had roller skates & roller blades; my neighbor had a go-kart; I had a bike. I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, so I was outside a lot. I started roller skating young & blading as soon as they came out. The neighborhood kids would play with the go-kart & we would all ride our bikes. (That was my main form of transportation).
  • Also, did you belong to a gang or just hang out with your friends? I had a few best friends that I hung out with & there were a handful of neighborhood kids I played with.
  • What is the best present, birthday or otherwise, you can remember as a child? I really want to say Barbie Dream House, bc that was the end-all, be-all of girl toys when I was little, but that’s not it. I always came to Oklahoma for the summer to visit family. One summer I found a Shih-tzu puppy that I really, REALLY wanted, but my parents said no because I had traveled by plane. My Meemaw & Pappaw had this two foot tall sculpture of Jesus and calling on all my parochial school knowledge I gathered Him into my arms and cried all night talking to Him about how much I wanted, nee, NEEDED that dog. When I got home from the airport in Phoenix, I went outside in back to go swimming… there, running toward me with boundless energy, were not one, but two Shih-tzu’s, Tango & Cash 😊. Prayers answered.
  • If a friend stayed over, did you have a midnight feast or did you go to bed and sleep? Not only did we feast at midnight, thirty minutes later (per parental rules), we went SWIMMING. Midnight swimming is the absolute best thing to do in Phoenix, especially during a full moon. The desert is so nice at night, sometimes even cool; but we would always have a fun time. [tangent: today is my childhood best friend’s birthday! Good times, great memories.]

Gratitude: What gives your day a kick start? {giggle} I’m sorry, is this a rhetorical question?

Life Begins After Coffee by: Naxart Studio
Posted in Personal

Share Your World: Week of 5.December.22

Thank you, pensitivity101 for hosting the #SYW each week!

1. Do you have a favourite outfit you like to wear? Ohhh, well. 🤔 I have this fabulous burgundy outfit & … I found this gorgeous over dress that is warm and beautiful.

[please ignore my zombie-like appearance, I was tired] This is the best picture I have of the overdress. It has a hood, an Elvish hood & it is long, to the top of my feet.

2. What is the worst thing you were forced to wear as a child (school uniforms aside)? I was JUST going through pictures of my childhood. There were a couple that my daughter looked at and said, “Whoa. THAT’S the 80s!” But the absolute worst was an Easter dress when I was 4ish that was so Pepto Bismol pink, with lace and ribbons, oh Lord, why did she put me through that?! (~cough, ahem… sorry. I did not mean to spiral there.~)

3. Do you have a sweet tooth? Yes, I most definitely do, which is not helped by the fact that I take a medicine for pain daily that seems to increase that craving. Anyhow, I love all types of chocolate.

I also just might fight tigers for a good scone.

…and if so, are you a chewer, cruncher, or sucker?

Tootsie Roll – Sucker by: Brand A

4. Do you think you could eat your weight in chocolate? Okay, so since I was diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia & had Lyrica added to my medications, I have gained a bit of weight; so, currently I am quite heavy.

I just need you to know that so when I say, “Hell yeah,” you understand what that means. Though I am certain I would need a little time & a lottle cannabis! 🌱

Posted in Personal

Share Your World Week of 28.November.22

Thank you, pensitivity101 😉
  • 1. Do you have any family traditions? Is this referring to the holidays? Well, Rome & I used to go out for Chinese on Thanksgiving. We live far from family and cannot visit them on Thanksgiving and Christmas, so we choose Christmas. That leaves us at home alone on Thanksgiving. Now we usually celebrate with my best friend and her family. As for Christmas… you will see in a couple questions I think. But also, we watch The Polar Express & A Christmas Story every year. My Favourite Aunt Vicki makes us eat black-eyed peas for some reason in the New Year’s Meal. We drink Asti every New Year’s Eve & take a can of my Meemaw’s favourite malt beer to drink with her on her birthday, January 1st, (at the cemetery bc she passed away). Oh, and Birthday… we always let the person pick the restaurant for their dinner. And we celebrate Golden Birthdays. My daughter’s is next year, very soon, in January. She will be 18 on the 18th. Okay, yeah, we have a lot of traditions. Does that make us a traditional family? 👀
  • 2. With December on its way, have you ever been carol singing? Yeah, for sure. Went with my old church every year.
  • 3. Do you decorate your home for the Christmas holidays? Not usually. We travel to our family’s ranch down in Oklahoma for a solid month – 20Dec-20Jan on average. There has only been one year that we missed and it was not 2020, it was a few years before that. I was very ill and could not travel. Anyhow, this year I think we will decorate our Advent tree with the kiddos. Maybe even something more? 😉 We have a garage FULL of decorations. 🤷‍♀️
  • 4. Do you enjoy the Christmas rush for preparations and shopping? Yes and no. I enjoy it when I can afford to get people the gift I think will make them happiest… which has not been recently. I try to shop for people throughout the year, so as to prepare… that does not always work. What I really like to do is shop after Christmas for people. Honestly, why is it important to give gifts on the 25th? THAT day is meant for a different type of celebration. Yeah, so we usually shop the after Christmas sales.
Posted in Personal

“Share Your World” Week of 21.November.22

These lovely prompts are posted on Mondays by pensitivity – thanks so much! (Though I probably will post my response on a Wednesday in future.)

1. As a child, did you prefer to watch TV, play games outside on a nice day, or read? —I grew up in Phoenix, AZ, so I loved being in the pool. However, during the summer when it was so hot our shoes started to melt on the asphalt (true story) then I went inside & either watched TV or read a book… both equally often.

2. What would you rather do now, read a book, watch a movie at home, dine out with friends, or go down the pub? Read a book or watch a movie at home… I am physically disabled now, so it is easier for me to do those.

3. Are you fashion conscious? Not really, but not because I wouldn’t love to be. I am simply a broke ho. (Snickering at the look on your face as you read that.)

4. Do you wear slippers, clogs or go barefoot indoors? Barefoot or socks mostly; however, in the winter I am more likely to wear slippers.


You don’t need a special occasion to buy or be given flowers.

Posted in Personal

Share Your World 18.Nov.22

Thank you PENSITIVITY101 for this weeks Share your World questions, & thanks to Wrookieschu for posting them so I could find them!

1. Does the weather affect your mood?

💯 but probably not how people think. I cannot handle the heat, it drains all of my energy and increases my pain exponentially. I enjoy the rain quite a bit, so much so that I make sure to be outside whenever it is raining. I also love the moderate to cool weather, especially the Autumn when sweater weather finally arrives. It is my favorite season for so many reasons, but the temperature is one of them.

2. If a stranger smiles at you or says ‘good morning’ when they pass you in the street, do you return it?

Oh heck yeah. Not only am I naturally sociable, I was raised mainly in the south. It is simply bad manners not to return the gesture (this includes waving when driving).

3. If you had a choice of just one of these things to eat, what would it be and why?
Chocolate, a sweet pastry, a plate of chips/fries (this is not a forever choice, just one instance).

I will take scones please… with coffee or tea, I don’t mind which. As much as I love chocolate, I can have a chocolate scone. I absolutely love pastries, but it is a scone for me.

4. If you could go back to when you were a specific age, what would that be? Why?

17 for sure. I made the first “big” mistake when I was a senior in high school. It was ridiculous on my part, I don’t even remember what happened; I remember that I was wrong. I got into a fight with my drama teacher. I went home and my ma was there (which was odd) but she listened and she decided, or helped me decide to quit the fall play. This was a play that was specifically chosen for me… it was supposed to be special. Anyhow, every domino after that was going in the wrong

I am going to attempt to keep up with these questions, which are posted weekly I believe. What are your answers? I would love to find them in the comments! Talk Soon, Čėçēłįå