Posted in Daily Prompt

SUN. // 07|30|23

My answer to the prompt was a straight – No. But I love Ducky, and this is so well written – just wanted to share.✌🏻🌊💙

Good morning 🌄 So… Would have posted yesterday, but due to the storm, I could not post anything, not to mention that Mom was (and still is) out of …

SUN. // 07|30|23

And here’s your ~Tangent for today… good article. ⬇️

Duckie from Pretty In Pink
Posted in pain journal

Weekênd… what is a Week-Ênd? 29/30.July.23

{pain} 4 – my diet has been 💩 & finances worse. I hate the ‘end knuckle’ months. {sleep} Sat – 6h 17m & Sun – 4h 56m – I’m tired. (& currently consuming something that will make me feel worse, but it tastes sooo good).

I’ll be back with CC&K – (yes, I will this week for sure! I was distracted last week…) tonight or tomorrow. I have a reaction article started on this topic:


…which I’ve already been in a heated discussion about this morning, losing a thriend, & am very unhappy… so now I’m going to go to church.
Talk Soon,
Cecelia ✌🏻 🌊 💙

Snatched off 🧵 from Pat Taylor Fuller ✌🏻
Posted in Daily Prompt

Friday, July 28th, 2023 -TDP

What’s the story behind your nickname?

The Questioner

A few stories, from my point of view… let’s begin at the beginning.

I was born Cecelia Jae Vanlandingham, which is a mouthful – so my first name was shortened to C.J. Because of this I believe I went through my formative years without a true “nickname”. I became Cecelia Jae English in Arlington, Texas, after my ma married again. I moved from Phoenix, Arizona, to Shawnee, Oklahoma, the summer before 8th grade – & decided that I no longer wanted to be ‘C.J.’ – I wanted to be ‘Čėçēłįå’. (My iPad just autocorrected my name to what you see, sheesh ~). Anyhow, as of 8th grade I was known to the public by my full name; to my family I would always be C.J. – save for when my ma wanted to make a point.

In high school I let my closest friends call me C.J. because they spent so much time with my family that it became natural. When I went to college there were many different names that never really stuck -Seal, Suki, Cee, TeddyB (different story on that one as I was a Forensic Psychology major & was studying Ted Bundy)…

As an adult I have not had a true nickname (that stuck) either. Most people don’t have the ability or the want to come up with something original to me – something that is NOT ‘Cece’. {Just a quick informative break – Once I had a bestie named Cecilia Kay, who went by Ceci for the longest time. At first I didn’t want to have that name because it was hers; then I didn’t want it because of what she became. I continue to wish the best for her.}

So, we come to the end… I am Cecelia. I was once known as “Crazy” with my assistant “Cuckoo” when I was secretary of a church, alas that didn’t really stick either. If you think you have a good option for me (after reading my blog, I mean – you need to know me) then I will definitely take it under advisement!
Talk Soon,
Cecelia✌🏻 🌊 💙

Post Script: If you’re reading this & there aren’t any photos, I suggest saving it & coming back later. I have the perfect photos for this, but I have to look for them & that may take a bit. So, please just stick a 📍 in this & give me the weekend to find the (physical) photos. -I know, I’m old.

Posted in Daily Prompt

Thursday, July 27th, 2023 -TDP

What strategies do you use to maintain your health and well-being?

The Questioner

Dear Questioner, I do believe you are spying on me again. This morning I woke up feeling like 💩. I have not been able to order Ka’Chava and I recently submitted to the fierce cravings for chocolate (I indulged); which then led to cravings for sugar (I indulged); which led to cravings for ice cream, & after a McFlurry last night – I woke up this morning feeling like that roadkill that has been run over entirely too many times so now it just looks like part of the road.

Available at by: Phil Witte

Yeah, I’m not kidding. Chronic pain has been a daily battle for nearly two decades, and I am just now realizing that a highly processed diet caused at least half of my pain. That is RIDICULOUS. What’s more infuriating is that NONE OF MY DOCTORS, NEUROLOGISTS, or PAIN MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTS ever – NOT ONCE that I recall- mentioned that my diet could be causing my pain. (Outside of my WEIGHT, that is.)

The only time it ever came up was when I was seeing a Migraine Specialist… & my migraines were not caused by diet, unfortunately.

So, what strategies do I use? Currently I am focused on what I eat, my sleep patterns, stretching, and educating myself on the whole issue. As for ‘well-being’ – from November 2021 to very recently I was unable to break the façade of “everything’s fine”. My daughter’s best friend died and I “had to be strong” for her, so she knew it was okay to fall apart herself. Looking back, I handled the entire situation poorly as I neglected to put the oxygen mask on myself first though…

Well-being… I’m working on that and will keep you posted. ✌🏻 🌊 💙

Poached from 🧵
Posted in pain journal, Personal

Travelin’ Tuesday… you suck. 🥵 25.July.23

{pain} I reported a 1 for the first time to my doctor today. That was not counting my ear & the right side of my face – bc my trigeminal neuralgia was on 🔥 a solid 6 – icepick in the ear kind of day. {sleep} 7h 7m – good sleep. I love my new mattress.

Mario Sanchez Nevado

The world is on fire. The Atlantic offers “18 Ways to Think About the Heat” & there are very good links that offer perspective on this heat. I see Hilary Clinton is getting roasted (no pun intended) for blaming MAGAt’s for Global Warming – well, the truth is difficult to deny. Republicans have long remained stubbornly shackled to fossil fuels.

Greece is on fire. Canada is on fire. California is on fire. Michigan is on fire. Iowa is on fire. Australia is on fire. Mallorca is on fire. Europe is on fire. I could go on, but I think you get the point.

The FWAC (Fire Weather & Avalanche Center) keeps track & it is so depressing. I hope you are staying cool, hydrated, and aware. It is now more imperative than ever to remain AWARE of what is happening in our country. Two GOP Governors have spent millions on their state militias (Texas & Florida) & on “border security” at the Mexican border, but I cannot discuss that right now bc I need to get to sleep.
Remember: Stay cool 😎 🥶; stay hydrated 💦; and stay informed! 📰
Talk Soon,

Posted in Daily Prompt

Monday, July 24th, 2023 -TDP

What do you listen to while you work?

The Questioner

Well, dear Questioner, it truly depends on what I am working on, my overall mood (watch out), and whether or not I am multi-tasking or not. (I suppose that last one can be included with the first, but whatever).

Usually I am listening/watching something on YouTube, Picture in Picture, whilst working on articles. I would be right now, except our Wi-Fi is down in our area (thanks, global warming!) so I am currently watching Rich Eisen on my phone while typing these words. (And I’m loving watching Rich go crazy about Rodgers & the Jets! 😆)

Sometimes I need to focus, I have playlists for each type of “focus” I need. Sometimes I need only instrumental and sometimes I need…

Not today, though! I have not needed ⬆️ that playlist today, which has been nice. Since my brain came back (after detoxing from a highly processed diet) I have been able to listen to podcasts or YT vids, news reports, and books, while also writing articles, responding to people on threads 🧵, and doing whatever needs done around the house. That’s my multi-tasking…
Talk Soon,
Cecelia ✌🏻 🌊 💙

Posted in pain journal, Personal

Monday, you don’t even look like yourself. 24.July.23

{pain} 3 – but only because I slept in… past time for my meds! {sleep} 6h 36m (not including 6a-9a), so basically 9 HOURS and 36m.

Did I mention I got a new mattress? I finally unboxed it last night – so happy to have memory foam, my old mattress was just that… old. Even though it was a type of memory foam, it no longer supported my back well & I had to use a memory foam pad on top, which was actually twin-sized on my full bed…
😑 it was all a mess.

Now I have a new memory foam mattress that was on sale on Prime day – it was such a great deal (53% off).

1940s 1950s Smiling Woman In Bed Waking by: Vintage Images

It does not feel like a Monday, yet. That usually means I am in for a Twomonday, something I actively avoid as well, though you’ll hear all about it tomorrow if it happens. I’m just going to tip toe lightly away now, hoping I have not spooked the Moon or Monday.
Talk Soon,
Cecelia✌🏻 🌊 💙

Zero idea where this originated… I got it on fb years ago.
Posted in pain journal

Sunday, buddy Sunday… 23.July.23

{pain} 4 – forgot to fill my Lyrica again… this time bc I was just feeling too well! The withdrawal hasn’t been anywhere near what it usually is; I may talk to my doctor about reducing my dosage on Tuesday. {sleep} 6h 32m – good sleep too.

The Uninspired by: Mario Sanchez Nevado

I am working on my Coffee, Cannabis, & Kirk post, however it is more difficult than usual this week as Bryan did not preach. The man who did, Brett Selby, is a Ministry Partner from Oklahoma Baptist University for southwest Oklahoma. It is his job to go around to SBC churches while focusing on the “wellness of pastors, both personal and family…” and “will come alongside them to enhance their equipping skills, in areas such as evangelism, discipleship, church revitalization, stewardship and mission partnerships.” (Quote from link provided).

It is taking longer because I am unused to the way he preaches & he doesn’t have a set outline, which is more difficult to follow than usual. What I’m saying is…

Snatched from 🧵 @digitalmeddle & YourChildhoodRuined

I promise I’m not really telling you to eff off… I hope you are having a lovely Sunday, truly! Make sure you are staying inside (& bring your pets in, if you can), continue to drink water, & don’t overdo ANYTHING during the hottest part of the day.
Talk Soon,
Cecelia✌🏻 🌊 💙

Here are some of the best of threads to brighten your day:

Posted in Daily Prompt

Saturday, July 22nd, 2023 -TDP

What’s your favorite game (card, board, video, etc.)? Why?


FOOTBALL. For my worldly friends, that is American Football; and for my domestic friends, NFL not as much college. I love the game of football from the tackling to the X’s & O’s of it all. I think it is one of the modern ways that human instinct is on display in beautiful opera with talent, intelligence, strength, and attitude. It is a sport that most closely resembles ‘battle’ in that there are eleven designated defenders & eleven designated attackers – no other sport mirrors that. -(more on this & why football appeals to our militant hearts in an upcoming post).😉 It also enjoys the top 1% of athletes who are gracefully brilliant on the field and often equally awesome off.

Sweetness Over the Top by: Lyle Brown

My favourite card game is Pinochle. This is a family-thing. Every two years my family has a Reunion, and we have a Pinochle Tournament. The game takes intelligence, luck, and strategy all combined with teamwork. I come from a long line of clever arses & the commentary alone is worthy of watching & listening to 🍿.

Pipes and Pinochle by: Rachel Knight

My favourite board game is… 🤔 not sure. Clue? Life? Risk? Sorry!? Monopoly? Backgammon! Ooh, Scrabble… I framed the score paper from the first time I beat my Ma. Those are but some of my memories from childhood.

Boardgames by: CSA Images

My favourite video game is probably 007 – the sheer number of hours wasted in college because of it continues to boggle my mind. Hope you’re having a lovely day! ✌🏻Cecelia.

Available at
Posted in pain journal

Oh, Friday- I missed you.

{pain} 4 – in my neck & shoulders. I tried to get a new pillow & it does not have enough support. {sleep} 7h 45m – but I didn’t have one of my meds & I am feeling it today.

I am reading a book recommended by @romareb (on threads). I just began & am hoping to be finished by Monday, which may be presumptuous. The plan is to write a review, but I just realized that will require a lot more work than I can put in before Monday… we will just go with the flow per usual & I’ll keep you posted.

My neck is hurting so much that I had to lay down in traction, so I may not be able to begin with gusto until tomorrow anyway. Stay cool, my friends. This weekend is supposed to reach all new insane temperatures. Try to stay inside & remember to drink water ALL DAY & keep your pets inside if possible (especially during the hottest part of the day). Make sure your pets have plenty of fresh water too!

Snatched this from @tat2luvgirl37 on 🧵

I will be working on a few new articles over the weekend, let me know if there’s anything you’d like a deep dive on. I can’t make promises, but I can certainly do my best.
Talk Soon,
Cecelia ✌🏻

Posted in Personal, Uncategorized

2023 Career Barbies That Are Actually Realistic

Hiya! I saw this on threads & it reminded me of making up “realistic” Barbie commercials with my best friend in grade school. I think the AOC shirt – with her riding a unicorn got me, for sure. Hope you like it! -Cecelia ✌🏻

These 2023 realistic career Barbies are stressed, depressed, and hate their fucking corporate jobs. Collect them all!
— Read on