Posted in pain journal, Personal

Hello Thor’s Day, you did come with a BANG & a CRASH!

{pain} 4 – if I remember not to pick up the kids, I should be fine. Plenty of sitting in between the cooking, cleaning, & dealing with nappies.
{sleep} not certain, my watch is charging.
••• 8h 45m of very decent sleep, especially considering that Mon Petit Homme was with me.

Will You Trust Me Raven Hair by: Cliff Hawley

Yesterday Roegn received multiple calls from Annie after an old friend saw her, Violet, and Jon walking around Walmart. Let me explain how incredibly juvenile that is: Jon & Annie were together for two years or so; recently Jon finally left Annie & all her issues, red flags, and domestic abuses. Annie is one of those people who have a laundry list of mental health issues, but refuses to do anything about it. A boy that Roe & Annie went to high school with is the one who decided to tell Annie they were all together at Walmart. What does it matter? Jon became our friend over those two years, she brought him into our lives, we are allowed to be friends with him – apart from her.

Now, her narcissism will never allow that without much complaining. The boy (I refuse to call him a man though he is over 18 years old) who told Annie simply wants in her pants, in all our humble opinions. He’s a coward though, so will probably pine away for her silently… but I digress.

Somehow, some way, Annie created two amazing kids that don’t deserve her as a mother, nor do they deserve the p.o.s. sperm donor she picked.

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Posted in pain journal, Personal

Twomonday, you b@stard… I didn’t see you coming.

{pain} 4 • in my neck and in my right arm… for a change. {sleep} 7h 31m – woke up late.

Having been bedridden for three months, my body has revolted. My labs are complete sh^te – my A1C & sugars are up, bad cholesterol up, good cholesterol down, iron dangerously low, and low vitamin D. So, I’m now taking prescription vitamin D, editing my diet yet again, and had the first of my two iron infusions today. Things didn’t go quite the way they should have… in fact, they went a little wonky altogether.

I learned that if you want to become more like an Oompa Loompa, or the former president, you need to have iron infused into your skin subcutaneously, rather than directly into the vein. It hurts, a bit, but if you truly want that orangey sheen… this is one of the more semi-permanent avenues.

The Infusion Center is very good, please do not think this is their fault. Instead of removing my blue, long-sleeved, shirt – I decided to push up the sleeve, not thinking of my obese upper arm & the tourniquet I was creating. I didn’t feel the pain/pressure, or I did, I just didn’t think about it. I have another infusion in a week & I hope that I will be able to use the same arm, as my left arm doesn’t have Big Blue, my favourite vein.

I’ll keep you posted, of course.
🗣️Talk Soon,
Cecelia ✌🏻🌊💙

Veins by: Golubeva Nataly

Posted in Uncategorized

Monday, per usual. 🥱

In my home, we hide on Mondays. The reason that Mondays usually bite people in the arse is because they have not prepared well for the day. Sunday’s are usually spent resting, or at the very least not working, and many, many, people do nothing to prepare for the day or the week ahead. When masses of unprepared people then merge together on Monday (or Tuesday of a holiday week) they often resemble a circus of fools. I prefer to avoid that circus on a weekly basis; it is very good for my mental health.

This is from Brandon Sanderson’s Oathbringer.

I am in the midst of (re)reading the Stormlight Archive, by Brandon Sanderson; specifically I am to Oathbringer, the third book. If you’re interested in science-fiction/fantasy, I highly suggest Sanderson, who is by far the greatest world-builder I have ever read; he has created many worlds in his Cosmere. ~I have a theory that Mormons make the best world-builders as they grow up with such magical thinking & an understanding of their place in the greater universe unlike other Abrahamic religions. But that is for another time~

Radio Speech Bubble Podcast Symbol by: Frank Ramspott

Currently getting the podcast setup & if you’re as sick of reading that sentence as I am of writing it, well, you’re in good company. I continue to discover that I am missing *something* each day. It is taking much longer to get back to good physically, and I have zero help getting this altogether as Roe has problems of her own. I just want to be past this part – where I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m capable of faking it until I do. Suppose I should be thankful I have cannabis to keep my anxiety down … silver lining & all.
Talk Soon,
Cecelia ✌🏻🌊 💙

Posted in Coffee, Cannabis, & Kirk

☕️ Coffee, 🍃 Cannabis, ⛪️ and Kirk • Galatians 4: 3-7 • Dr. Bryan Pain • Preparing the Way: The Road to Victory at the Cross

Sermon begins at 28m mark.

Comfort the Children
by: Greg Collins
…not just a painting, but a visual embodiment of love & compassion.

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Sunday. Sônday. So Sadday…

{pain} 4 • mostly my head & neck. {sleep} 8 hours.

Quick Catch Up: My friend Mendy lost her father (Mark) to a battle with cancer on the 16th of February & then her husband (Justin), freakishly, the next day.

9 March 24: The date has been set for a celebration of Justin Nash’s life… a Memorial Fund has been set up for Mendy & the kids, as well as one for her mom as apparently the insurance policy that her parent’s have been paying for decades is only on Kathy, not on Mark. Mendy’s mom has no insurance for the funeral expenses. Her posts concerning both & the obituaries for both men are below.

🕯️Rest In Peace, Mark D. Vineyard & Justin D. Nash.🕯️

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Posted in pain journal, Personal

Snot Stew & a Sneezy S(c)aturday.

ACHOO CLUE with Kleenex by: Ruthie Briggs-Greenberg

{pain} my head… full of snot, sheesh. Solid 3 today. {sleep} 8h 14m • I’m sleeping well, but I need it… I realized one of the reasons I’m not breathing well, or getting enough oxygen, is because I have such low iron in my blood! I scheduled my first iron infusion for next week – not knowing when the funeral(s) will be scheduled.

Snot Face by: Ryan Bosley

Have you ever seen the movie Drop Dead Fred? It is one of my favourites, specifically a favourite Phoebe Cates movie. The idea that imaginary friends are real, they help kids deal with reality, and if you suppress that creativity you become something unintended… there’s more, but I have not seen it in years.

One of my main goals as a parent was to make certain that Roegn didn’t have to grow up as quickly as I did, or as I was forced to by circumstance. She never had an imaginary friend, but she did have an excellent imagination. I was reminded of this movie by my search for artwork for this post. Fred called Phoebe Cates’ character ‘Snot Face’ & I searched for ‘snot’ -> as that is what I am consumed with at the moment.

The days are going by & it feels like there’s too much inside my skull; my vision feels blurry sometimes, giving me a headache. It is already spring here in Illinois, as we didn’t have a real winter. I desperately fear the allergy season that is to come. As someone that suffers asthma that is exacerbated by allergies, I despise the spring & fall for one very big reason – I enjoy breathing. During springtime, allergies cause more mucus in my lungs, making it more difficult to breathe, etc. And of course, don’t get me started on harvest.

I’m going to go breathe & attempt to do what I need to do without passing out. Happy Caturday, friends.

🗣️Talk Soon,

Snot Monkey by: Phillip Eames
Winner 2008 small portrait prize; Brisbane, Australia
Posted in pain journal, Personal

Threes • Wednesday • Sad tidings for a daughter.

{pain} my lungs hurt, I have a head ache, and my eyes are strained. {sleep} 8h 15m – decent sleep.

My adopted daughter, Violet, has suffered loss this morning. Her dad’s home caught fire & is nearly gone down to the bare bones, taking all their physical memories to the ash. We were on our way out the door quite early this morning, not knowing what we could do, but willing to do anything to help; once we parked the girls were off down the drive way. I got my things together & began to follow, but it didn’t take long before I was coughing quite vociferously.

I took breakfast orders & went to McD’s, it was all I could think to do. Once I dropped off the eats I had to go home because my asthma began to take over.

Smoke by: Cecelia

Bad Luck Comes in Threes

I am certain you’ve heard the superstition, “Bad Luck Comes in Threes”. Three is a strong number in religion, mythology, and everyday life… from the Holy Trinity in Christianity, the Trimurti in Hinduism, to fairy tales (three wishes, bears, challenges, etc.). We begin “on the count of three” and go forth in threes, we have four seasons of three months (approximately), each. As human beings, we are attracted to these patterns, we see faces in inanimate objects, and notice symmetries quickly.

“The belief that bad luck comes in threes is not limited to specific events but extends to various aspects of life. For example, the superstition suggests that deaths, accidents, or even personal misfortunes tend to occur in threes.”

Crimean War by Roger Fenton, 1855 (LOC)
Available from: Celestial Images

Origins of this belief vary all over the world. One theory suggests the belief emerged during the Crimean War, “where soldiers were warned against lighting three cigarettes from the same match to avoid being spotted by the enemy.” (Ibid.) There is also a theory from Russian funeral rituals concerning three candles on the altar, but I’m unsure of how that applies.

A more modern, psychological approach exemplifies our innate desire for certainty and pattern recognition. Also, by limiting the bad luck to three, we offer an end to the pain & suffering, sowing some comfort – even if just an end to the misery.

Continue reading “Threes • Wednesday • Sad tidings for a daughter.”
Posted in Coffee, Cannabis, & Kirk, Uncategorized

☕️ Coffee, 💨 Cannabis, & ⛪️ Kirk. • Romans 7:21-8:1 • Prepare the Way: Celebrating Christ’s Victory • Dr. Bryan Pain, FBC Duncan

And he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.”

Mark 8:29, ESV

🌞 Gooood morning! I hope this post finds you well, whenever you may be. We are in my most favourite book of the Bible today – Romans vv. 7:21-8:1. I am brewing Tribute from Starbucks (don’t ask, I was desperate), and enjoying 🍃 Blue Guava Gelato, a strain that is smooth & such a lovely purple. On that note, let’s get going!💨

So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to G-d through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of G-d with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Romans 7:21-8:1, ESV
18.February.24 Full Service
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Posted in Personal

Rest In Peace.🕯️ 17.Feb.24

When I was in high school I was blessed with many close, loyal, & loving friends, one of which was Mendy. We were so close that the day she was in a car accident the school allowed me to leave to go be with her at home. I will never forget that morning on the marching band practice field. My director, Chris Ford, was atop the tower & through the speaker I hear, “Cecelia, don’t freak out… Mendy’s been in a car accident. She is okay. Don’t! Stay right there. You can leave after practice.”

This is how I remember them…
Art by Audra Barton

Well, Mendy married her high school crush & has been very happily married now for 26 years. For that entire time, whenever I would be feeling particularly pitiful (as I have never been married), I would be able to think about them. It seems so ridiculous, but I would think, “hey, it’s fine I’m single… Mendy & Justin are so happy.” I have other friends in great marriages that I would think about, but none so often as Mendy, Justin, & their two great kids. They were the surprise guests at my ‘Celebration of Life’ – (Roe came early, so no baby shower).

Yesterday Justin collapsed and passed away.

The day before that, Mendy’s father had passed away.

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Strange, Sad Days, Friends. • 17.Feb.24

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Posted in pain journal

Fri•high•day without much high.

{pain} 3 {sleep} my watch is currently charging & didn’t share that info with my phone just yet. However, I was awake several hours in the night… (post charge) 6h 26m.

🍃I have very little cannabis left at the moment, since I have been unable to breathe for the last several days there was no need to purchase more. However, cannabis is one way I curb my pain – not the issue currently as I have been on bed rest, but it also helps sleep & my mood! It is those last two that I am missing most right now. I woke up in the middle of the night, unable to get back to sleep for hours, inexplicably writing haiku on threads! Jeeeez, I say. I need to pick up tincture or edibles soon.

👉🏻I had to take a break from social media the last month of my kidney stone episode, a break from the news & the outside world because the pain had become too much to ignore & the stress made it worse. I feel better having not watched the news much or paid attention to any social media. If you have found yourself in the doldrums, or just “off”, I suggest a quick fast – it is the season!

🗣️Talk Soon,

Designed & sold by: AbielRaz
Posted in pain journal

breathing is fun. • 15.Feb.24 • Two Year Anniversary 🎉

Breathing By: Harvinder Singh

It has been two years, friends. Two years since I decided to take hold of my life & begin this blog, patiently listing my pains & joys in life. It began as a way to keep track of my physical pain & what, if anything, could/would reduce it. It has morphed into a multifaceted page, which I plan to expand upon now. I have been suffering through illness, struggling to breathe, so beginning the podcast has been impossible. I spent the Super Bowl vomiting up everything I’ve ever eaten & not for a cool reason like tailgating too hard.

It is difficult to explain what it is like when you have so much pain in your body that you cannot ignore it. I am a champion at pain, friends, as you may well know if you have read anything I have written. I have learned over the last two decades how to utilize hyper-focus in order to take my brain away from the pain, with books, movies, & television series. I have used any & all types of pain modification from Aspercream to my most favourite, Salonpas, Epsom salts to a TENS unit. I can disassociate, moving my mind to a far away place that only remotely physically feels what is happening. (That is how I didn’t howl constantly when we went into the ER with my 10mm x 11mm x 20mm kidney stone – for those of you who don’t know, that’s gargantuan). Pain has been an unwelcome companion of mine for a very long time.

Continue reading “breathing is fun. • 15.Feb.24 • Two Year Anniversary 🎉”
Posted in Daily Prompt

Thursday, February 15th, 2024 • TDP • #BreakingTheLaw

Have you ever unintentionally broken the law?


Ohhh, dear questioner, yes. I have broken the law intentionally as well as unintentionally. Though, to be fair I usually felt incredibly guilty following the latter.

I remember one time specifically, before I became a mother. A friend and I were in a cute shop & just browsing. I found a candle that was a tiny sunflower (she & I were the daisy & the sunflower). After a bit, we got busy looking through books & I put the candle in my coat pocket so I could use both hands. I had every intention of paying for it, but eventually forgot about it.

I felt awful & because of that very moment each time my daughter would come out of the store with something, accidentally, we would march back inside & pay for it.

Laughing at Rules by: Maribeth Doran