Posted in Days & Months & Years, Oh My!

🎊 Celebrate Every Day 🎊 • Month of May 2024

May by: Long Shot
  1. May Day; Nat. Interpreter Appreciation Day; Nat. Skilled Trades Day; Nat. School Principal’s Day; LAW DAY; Nat. Silver Star Service Banner Day; Chocolate Parfait Day; Nat. Mother Goose Day; Nat. Loyalty Day
  2. Nat. Life Insurance Day; National Day of Prayer; Nat. Montana Day
  3. Nat. School Lunch Hero Day; Nat. Textiles Day; Nat. SAN Architect Day; Raspberry Popover Day; Chocolate Custard Day; Nat. Paranormal Day; Nat. Two Different Colored Shoes Day; Nat. Specially-Abled Pets Day; Nat. Garden Meditation Day; Nat. Lumpy Rug Day; Nat. Space Day
  4. Nat. Play Outside Day; Nat. Self-Employed Day; Nat. Fitness Day; Kentucky Derby; Free Comic Book Day; Nat. Bombshell Day; Nat. Start Seeing Monarch’s Day; Nat. Bird Day; Nat. Weather Observers Day; Nat. Join Hands Day; Nat. Candied Orange Peel Day; Nat. Orange Juice Day; Nat. Home Brew Day; Nat. Scrapbook Day; Nat. Renewal Day; Nat. Star Wars Day (May the Fourth Be With You); Nat. Day of Reason
  5. Nat. Silence the Shame Day; Cinco de Mayo; Nat. Astronaut Day; Nat. Lemonade Day; Nat. Hoagie Day; Nat. Totally Chipotle Day; Nat. Infertility Survivor’s Day; Nat. Cartoonists Day
  6. Melanoma Monday; Nat. Crepe Suzette Day; Nat. Beverage Day; Nat. Nurses Day
  7. Nat. Tourism Day; Nat. Foster Care Day; Roast Leg of Lamb Day; Paste-Up Day; Nat. Teacher Appreciation Day
  8. Nat. Student Nurse Day; Nat. 3rd Shift Workers Day; Have a Coke Day; Coconut Creme Pie Day; Nat. School Nurse Day; Nat. Receptionist Day
  9. Nat. Homefront Heroes Day; Nat. Alphabet Magnet Day; Nat. Sleepover Day; Nat. Moscato Day; Nat. Lost Sock Memorial Day
  10. Nat. Washington (state) Day; Clean Up Your Room Day; Nat. Lipid Day; Nat. Shrimp Day; Nat. Military Spouse Appreciation Day; Nat. Provider Appreciation Day
  11. Nat. Dog Mom’s Day; Nat. Eat What You Want Day; Nat. Foam Rolling Day; Nat. Archery Day; Nat. Mini-golf Day; Nat. Babysitter’s Day; Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Awareness Day; Nat. Birth Mother’s Day; Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive; Nat. Twilight Zone Day
  12. Nat. Sapphire Segulah Day; International Nurses Day; Mother’s Day; Nat. Fibromyalgia Awareness Day; Nutty Fudge Day; Nat. Odometer Day; Nat. Limerick Day
  13. Nat. Crouton Day; Nat. Women’s Check Up Day; Nat. Fruit Cocktail Day; Nat. Frog Jumping Day
  14. Nat. Decency Day; Nat. Buttercream Biscuit Day; Nat. Underground America Day; Nat. Dance Like a Chicken Day
  15. Nat. Bring Flowers to Someone Day; Nat. Juice Slush Day; Nat. Nylon Stockings Day; Nat. Chocolate Chip Day; Nat. Peace Officer’s Memorial Day
  16. Nat. Coquille’s Saint Jacques Day; Nat. Classic Movie Day; Nat. Mimosa Day; Nat. Barbecue Day; National Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day; Nat. Honor Our LGBTQ Elders Day; Nat. Piercing Day; Nat. Biographer’s Day; Nat. Sea Monkey Day; Nat. Love a Tree Day
  17. Nat. Malcolm X Day; Nat. Idaho Day; Nat. Graduation Tassel Day; Nat. Walnut Day; Nascar Day; Nat. Pizza Party Day; Nat. Bike to Work Day (& Week); Nat. Bike to School Day; Nat. Cherry Cobbler Day; Nat. Pack Rat Day; Nat. Endangered Species Day
  18. Nat. Cheese Soufflé Day; Nat. No Dirty Dishes Day; Nat. Visit Your Relatives Day; Nat. Learn to Swim Day; Nat. HIV Vaccine Awareness Day; Armed Forces Day
  19. Nat. Devil’s Food Cake Day; Nat. Take Your Parents to the Playground Day; Nat. May Ray Day
  20. Nat. Quiche Lorraine Day; Nat. Sugarbee® Apple Day; Nat. Streaming Day; Nat. Rescue Dog Day; Nat. Pick Strawberries Day; Nat. Be a Millionaire Day
  21. Nat. Memo Day; Nat. Strawberries & Cream Day; Nat. Waitstaff Day; Nat. American Red Cross Founder’s Day
  22. Nat. Craft Distillery Day; Nat. Solitaire Day; Nat. EMS for Children Day; Nat. Vanilla Pudding Day; Nat. Buy a Musical Instrument Day; Nat. Maritime Day
  23. Nat. Taffy Day; Nat. Lucky Penny Day
  24. Nat. Roadtrip Day; Nat. Cooler Day; Nat. Wyoming Day; Nat. Brother’s Day; Nat. Aviation Maintenance Technician Day; Nat. Scavenger Hunt Day; Nat. Don’t Fry Day
  25. Nat. GEEK Pride DAy; Nat. Towel Day (see The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy); Nat. Wine Day; Nat. Brown-Bag-It Day; Nat. Tap-dance Day; Nat. Missing Children’s Day; My Most Favourite Aunt Vicki’s Birthday
  26. Nat. Family Fun Day; Nat. Paper Plane Day; Nat. Blueberry Cheesecake Day
  27. Nat. Grape Day; Nat. Grape Popsicle Day; Nat. Cellophane Tape Day; Memorial Day
  28. Nat. Beef Burger Day; Nat. Hamburger Day; Nat. Brisket Day
  29. Nat. 529 Day; Nat. Flip Flop Day; Nat. Coq au Vin Day; Nat. Paperclip Day; Nat. Senior Health & Fitness Day
  30. Nat. Creativity Day; Nat. Loomis Day; Nat. Mint Julep Day; Nat. Hole in My Bucket Day; Nat. Water a Flower Day
  31. Nat. Utah Day; Nat. Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Day; Nat. Smile Day; Nat. Autonomous Vehicle Day; Nat. Macaroon (not Macaron) Day; Nat. Speak in Complete Sentences Day; Nat. Save Your Hearing Day

May by the Week

National Bike Month by: Carol Leigh
  • 1st Week: National Pet Week; Nat. Eastern Box Turtle Week; (Begins 1st Sunday) Public Service Recognition Week
    •• (First Full Week) North American Occupational Safety & Health Week; Screen-Free Week; Choose Privacy Week; Wildflower Week; Nat. Small Business Week; Nat. Hospital Week; Nat. Teacher Appreciation
  • 2nd Week: (6th-12th) Nat. Nurses Week
    •• (Second Full Week) American Craft Beer Week; (Week of the 15th) Nat. Police Week; Nat. Volunteer Host Family Week; Salvation Army Week
  • 3rd Full Week: Nat. PEO (Professional Employer Organizations); Nat. EMS Week; Nat. Public Works Week

Month of May

By: Dave Carpenter
  • Nat. Returning (from incarceration) Youth Month
  • Nat. Miniature Garden Month
  • Nat. Wildfire Awareness Month
  • Jewish American Heritage Month
  • Nat. Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month
  • Global Employee Health & Fitness
  • Nat. Foster Care Month
  • Better Speech & Language Month
  • Nat. Correct Your Posture Month
  • ALS Awareness Month
  • International Drum Month
  • Nat. Skin Cancer Awareness Month
  • Nat. Dental Care Month
  • Nat. Preservation Month
  • Celiac Disease Awareness Month
  • Ehlers – Danlos Syndrome Awareness Month
  • Nat. Asparagus Month
  • Nat. Stroke Awareness Month
  • Nat. Brain Tumor Awareness Month
  • National Mental Health Awareness Month
  • Nat. Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
  • Nat. Military Appreciation Month
  • Nat. Water Safety Month
  • Melanoma Awareness Month
  • Nat. Chamber Music Month
  • Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
  • Nat. Mediterranean Diet Month
  • Nat. Salsa Month
  • Nat. Strawberry Month
  • Nat. Salad Month
  • Recommitment Month
  • Photography Month
  • Lyme Disease Awareness Month
  • Nat. Hamburger Month
  • Nat. Get Caught Reading Month
  • Nat. Egg Month
  • Nat. Blood Pressure Education Month
  • Nat. Bike Month
  • Nat. Barbecue Month
  • Nat. Older Americans Month
  • Date Your Mate Month
  • Nat. Inventors Month

Notable People Born in May:
• Dr. Benjamin Spock
• Dr. Sigmund Freud
• Miles Davis
• Rosario Dawson
• Bono
• Eva Peron
• John F. Kennedy
• Adele
• Stevie Wonder
• Janet Jackson
• George Lucas
• Bob Dylan
• Cher
• Lenny Kravitz
• Clint Eastwood
• my Most Favourite Aunt Vicki

Giving Thanks with Miles Davis & Ike Carter by: Aberjhani

For history buffs, language nerds, or anglophiles ••• The Anglo-Saxon word for May was “Try-Milchi” meaning, 3 milks because the grass was so lush – you could milk your cows 3 times. a day!

If you made it this far, bless you, leave a ♥️ in the comments. Anyone know why England banned Maypoles in 1644?


The quick and easy description: child of God, saved by grace, mother of Rœgn, coffee & cannabis lover, football fanatic, student, teacher, counselor, servant.

2 thoughts on “🎊 Celebrate Every Day 🎊 • Month of May 2024

  1. Setting: A countryside village in England, 1644. Two villagers, Thomas and Eliza, converse near the village green, where the remnants of the Maypole lie discarded.

    Good morrow, Eliza. What brings such a shadow ‘pon thy brow?

    Oh, Thomas, hast thou not heard the news that doth pierce my heart with sorrow’s keenest blade? Our joyous May Day hath been outlawed by those stern men of power.

    Indeed, I have. The proclamation came swift as the north wind. ‘Tis said the revelry and mirth offend the puritan eyes, who deem such festivity unholy.

    But why, Thomas? What sin lies in the dancing ‘neath the Maypole, or in the flowers we weave, that they would strip us of such innocent delight?

    The Puritans claim, Eliza, that the May Day rites stir up the fires of lust and wayward desire. They fear the loosened bounds of virtue, and deem the merry month a season of temptation.

    Nay, such folly! Our dances and songs, the garlands we weave, are but expressions of nature’s joy, a tribute to the spring’s fair bloom. Shall we be condemned for the mere pleasure of the season’s gift?

    ‘Tis true, our customs bear no ill intent. Yet those who hold the reins of rule see fit to guard the people’s virtue with iron grasp. They seek to quell the rise of any flame that might lead to sin’s dark path.

    How cruel and unjust! To think that our simple celebration of life and love could be so misconstrued. What harm lies in our innocent sport?

    ‘Tis not for harm that they fear, but for control. They would see the land reshaped in piety’s austere mold, where laughter is curbed and joy is suspect. Thus, they cast their shadow ‘pon our May Day.

    Yet what joy remains in a life bereft of song and dance, where every smile is weighed and every laugh is measured? Must we live in constant fear of our own hearts’ desires?

    Such is the burden we must bear, Eliza. The times are harsh, and freedom’s light doth dim beneath the heavy hand of righteousness. But let us not despair. Though our May Day be forbidden, the spirit of our celebration cannot be so easily extinguished.

    Aye, Thomas. Though the Maypole be felled and the garlands cast aside, in our hearts the spring shall ever bloom. We shall find our ways to honor the season, in secret if we must.

    In whispers and in shadows, we shall keep our customs alive, and with hope, await the day when once more we may dance in the light, unburdened by the chains of unjust law.

    Until then, let us hold fast to our memories and to each other. For no decree can sever the bond of our shared joy and love of life.

    Well spoken, Eliza. Come, let us walk together and find solace in the beauty of this day, though its celebration be silent. For the heart’s true liberty lies not in outward show, but in the freedom to cherish what we hold dear.

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