Posted in pain journal, Personal

Quick Catsup// Busy times, fun times, sad times.

{pain} dear God, I hurt so very much. I understand how it happened (two toddlers) but I would very much appreciate your loving kindness & a bit of pain relief. Amen.
{sleep} unsure. My watch died. But after two days with a total of 10 hours sleep? It was definitely at least ten hours in one night.

Ma Petit Fleur & Mon Petit Homme

We picked up the kids on Saturday, which I was ecstatic, & Roe was less than excited, about. I have missed my boyo & girly like crazy!! They’re both getting so big, as they do. Their lives have been quite chaotic as of late, living in different places while their mom gets her sh*te together. However, chaos is not the best for littles & as a result they ask a specific question, about everything, “Is this mine?” Right now they have very little stability & are searching for what belongs to them & for anything that doesn’t change. I told Annie she desperately needs to get them back to some semblance of a schedule, hopefully we can help by taking the kids every other weekend.

Tree Hugging Toddlers 2.June.24

Saturday evening was a late one, as we had picked up the kids in the late afternoon & they were excited. They were also filthy & in need of clothes, shoes, & food. I know it’s a difficult time for them, so I’m giving their mom the benefit of the doubt for now. DCFS was at her apartment when we first stopped by on Friday, so at least she is being monitored. When we went back to pick them up on Saturday she had cleaned up a bit, but I digress. Having the kids just lightened my heart. We went to Walmart before we went home to get a few things we needed, first & foremost clothes & shoes for Ma Petit Fleur.

Once we had them down, I baked muffins for the next morning’s breakfast & then got to sleep. However, my “mommy subconscious” never allows me to completely sleep when the boyo is coughing like crazy. I gave both the kids Allegra, but it wasn’t enough; his asthma is acting up. So, I ended up getting all of 4h 21m of sleep Saturday night.

Sunday morning began with bananas, strawberries, grapes, muffins, and juice. Then we got dressed & went for a walk around the block & to the post, so it ended up being a little over two blocks, & Mon Petit Homme didn’t make it, asking to be carried for the last half block.
That was okay, though I’m feeling it today.

🎶Walkin’ around 🎵 the neighbourhood, 🎵what do you see?🎶

The best part was when we got home; both my Boyo & Girly were quite tired & needed a nap. Luckily for us, they have moved away from Elsa & anything Frozen related. We did watch both movies, but only once. The movie we watched repeatedly? Wish.
Anyhow, they both laid down & took a nap.

I’m incredibly thankful for my time with the kids. They’re growing into lovely little people, even though they have lost much of the little discipline they had. With the chaos of their lives comes the erratic behaviour of two toddlers that don’t know the ‘rules’ any more. Getting them to listen has become intensely difficult, however by the time they were going home they were getting a tidge better.

Monday morning was much like the previous, save for the Mickey Mouse pancakes I made in addition to the fruit, muffins, etc. There was only one bad outcome, my Van Gogh Mickey pancake…

Van Gogh Mickey Mouse

We took them home late Monday afternoon, after a good nap (following another walk) & lunch. Hopefully we will have them more often, probably every other weekend, for a while. It will help them have something that doesn’t change & it will keep me happy too.
On that note… that was my weekend. Now I’m recovering, I slept most of this day away & my body continues to hate me.
🗣️Talk Soon,

Post Script: The ‘sad times’ came from the communication, lack thereof, or both – between Roegn & me. She & I have been having many issues as of late, something I’m not accustomed to, for certain. I’ll go into that in another post, as this has run quite long.


The quick and easy description: child of God, saved by grace, mother of Rœgn, coffee & cannabis lover, football fanatic, student, teacher, counselor, servant.

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