Posted in Daily Prompt

Monday, 29 May 2023 -TDP

What are you good at?

The Daily Prompt

Dear Questioner,

I feel as though this is a very broad question, like spanning a canyon, broad… with any answer I give sounding like I am way too full of myself. So I will begin by saying that I’ve always been a good liar, which made me a good actor, which made me shit at real life.

I am good at talking to people, listening to people, counseling people, & crap at taking or implementing most counsel. And I am exceptional at procrastinating, not finishing things, & giving up way too soon on some things (the latter I have gotten much better at as I have aged). I used to be a decent writer, a skill I am trying to reclaim.

I hope what I am best at is being a mom, it is certainly my favourite thing to be good at. 🤔 I’m tired, so I’ll stop there. ✌🏻


The quick and easy description: child of God, saved by grace, mother of Rœgn, coffee & cannabis lover, football fanatic, student, teacher, counselor, servant.

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